Arsenal FC are a French club who ply their trade in England for some unknown reason. Some say that there is a conspiracy to overtake England by populating it with French footballers. Arsenal are managed by the French Cunt Arsene Whine-ger who has a permenant frown etched on his face. They are permenantly under the shadow of Merchandise United. Primarily, they are a profit making organization where they bring in players worth less than the average income of a beggar in Albania and sell them at more than 10M£. To know more about the origins of these players, refer to the worst 10 countries in the world in Google. No one knows where the profit goes, because they dont buy any players above 3.15£, but it is widely rumored that the money is used to service Arsene's cunt. Arsene is a paedophile who promises young kids money in exchange for their services both on & off the pitch. As a result, young Kieran Gibbs broke down in a Arse-Anal v/s Merchandise United match due to the swelling in his arse. The requirements to be a player at Arsenal is to be under the age of 9, disability to speak English, sinister looking, unable to play football and possessing a great arse for the manager's use. They love passing the ball and as a general rule, have to complete 23432 passes before shooting. The snoring of the fans is the only sound that comes out of Emirates.

Some of the players that play for Arsenal FC are :
1. Manuel Al-Qaida - A Spanish terrorist in hiding. Seen more often dying his hair to escape Police, than in goal
2. Abu baby - Isnt a footballer. Simply isnt
3. Carry Lasagna - Always carries lasagna which once dropped onto his head and hence resulted in his current hairstyle
4. Cesc Fragilas - A fragile & vulnerable overrated female who can pass the ball once in a while
7. Tomas Sicky - Hes so out of action, that no one even remembers him anymore
8. Samir Nazi - Is a german in disguise from the past. Has travelled through time which can be seen through his hairstyle
9. Eduardo Da Wheelie - Always found in a wheelchair. Even when playing
10. William Jealous - This dumb,bald, hand-balling, team-disrupting, somewhat defending, money-obsessed Motherfucker is jealous that Arsene prefers Cesc to him.
11. Raping Van Persie - Admitted to being gay. Has a serious crush on Fabregas, but then who in Arsenal doesnt ?
14. Three-o Smallcot - Scored a hat-trick for England. Has done nothing since. Everyone but Theo & Arsene have realized that he is shite.
16. Aaron Ramsey - Chose Arsenal over other clubs. Both Arsenal & Ramsey are still regretting the transfer
17. Alexander Wrong - One was Alexander the great & the other was a fag at Arsenal
18. Milky Sil-Jester - Brought in as a clown to amuse the opposition forwards
19. Jack 'Wanna-be-Giggs' Wilshere - A player, waiting to be sold, once developed
22. Gay Cliche - Did it regularly with Eboue. Until he sadly discovered that Eboue wasnt a man
23. Angry Arshavin - Wanted to play for Barcelona. Ended up playin for the poor man's Barca.
26. Dickless Bendtner - A famous party joke
27. Emmanuel E-booo-E - His greatest moment came when he succesfully completed a stunning 2-yard pass to Cesc
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